We want to make buying your favourite FiveMay shoes and gear online fast and easy, and we accept the following payment options:

  • Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay*

*Available for FiveMay.com orders



Does my card need international purchases enabled?
Yes, we recommend asking your bank to enable international purchases on your card. You will be notified at checkout if international purchases need to be enabled.

Can I pay for my order with multiple methods?
No, payment for FiveMay orders can't be split between multiple payment methods.

What payment method is accepted for FiveMay orders?
You can use any accepted credit card to pay for your FiveMay order.

Why don't I see Apple Pay as an option?
To see Apple Pay as an option on FiveMay.com, you'll need to use a compatible Apple device running the latest OS, be signed in to your iCloud account and have a supported card in your Wallet. Additionally, you'll need to use Safari to use Apple Pay on FiveMay.com.